How to Safely Dispose of Latex Based Paint

Learn how to safely dispose of latex paint with simple methods like air drying, using absorbent materials, or visiting a

Air Dry Small Quantities

Remove the lid and allow the paint to evaporate naturally. This method works best for small amounts, usually an inch or two at the bottom of the can.

  • Tip: Allow several days for the paint to fully dry before disposal.

Use a Drying Agent

Mix an absorbent material into the paint to help it dry faster. Suitable materials include:

  • Cat litter
  • Sawdust
  • Plaster of Paris
  • Alternatively, purchase a “waste paint hardener” from your local paint or hardware store.
  • Drying Time: Depends on the material used and the quantities of paint and drying agent.

Pour Thin Layers

  • Pour about 1-inch layers of paint into a cardboard box lined with plastic.
  • Allow each layer to dry completely before adding the next.
  • Once all the paint has hardened, you can dispose of the box with your regular garbage.

Final Disposal Steps

  • Once the paint is completely dry:
    • Leave the lid off the can so waste collectors can confirm it is no longer liquid.
    • Place the can in your curbside garbage for pickup.

Important: Never pour liquid paint down the drain or into the ground, as it can harm the environment.

Properly disposing of leftover latex-based paint is essential for protecting the environment. Follow these easy methods to safely dry your paint before disposal, and learn about additional options like using a reclamation center.

What about Oil Based Paints?

Oil based paints are considered a household hazardous waste and should be disposedof through the County Household Hazardous Waste Facility. They are ignitable and theirfumes are potentially harmful. The Facility is open Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday11 a.m. - 4 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.

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